WiM Western Pennsylvania
The Women in Manufacturing (WiM) Western Pennsylvania Chapter has an active base of members in and around the Western Pennsylvania region.
chapter Events affiliated members Chapter leaders Non-Solicitation Policy
The Women in Manufacturing (WiM) Western Pennsylvania Chapter has an active base of members in and around Western Pennsylvania. Chapters provide excellent opportunities for you to expand your local network, build valuable business relationships, and enjoy industry-related programming.
Get to know us! Start your day with a fresh cup of coffee and conversation at a relaxed meet and greet with WiM Western Pennsylvania. Your first cup is on us! View our "Meetings & Events" to learn more about our Coffee with WiM events.
If you are interested in any of the WiM Western Pennsylvania Chapter programs, or would like to volunteer, please contact chapters@womeninmfg.org.
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Click Here to learn more about the WiM Western Pennsylvania Team
Thank you to our chapter sponsors for their generosity and support!