WiM Minnesota

Stay tuned for more detail regarding our next Chapter event!

If you are a service provider and plan to attend any of our events, please consider bringing a direct manufacturing colleague with you! 

Chapter Events  Chapter Leaders  Affiliated Members  Non-Solicitation Policy

The Women in Manufacturing (WiM) Minnesota Chapter provides excellent opportunities for you to expand your local network, build valuable business relationships, and enjoy industry-related programming.

If you are interested in any of the WiM Minnesota Chapter programs or would like to volunteer, please contact chapters@womeninmfg.org.

Follow WiM Minnesota

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Thank you to our Sponsor:

We want your input! 

Interested in seeing a specific Minnesota manufacturer or want to host our WiM members at your facility? Want to get more involved by helping or joining one of our WIM MN Committees? Reach out to us and let us know! We would love your feedback and input to incorporate as we continue to schedule our 2023 events! Email us at wim.minnesota.chapter@gmail.com with your ideas!

Recent WiM Minnesota Events:

Van Meter - April 2024

Networking Event - Forgotten Star Brewing - January 2024
MTS Systems Corporation Eden Prairie, MN - May 2023
Tour at Park Industries, St Cloud, MN - April 2023
Tour at Reell Precision Manufacturing - March 2023
Wilson Tool Tour / Big Wood Brewery - December 2022

Lori Tapani

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