WiM Southern California

Chapter Leaders  chapter Events  affiliated Members  Non-Solicitation Policy 

The Women in Manufacturing (WiM) Southern California Chapter has an active base of members in and around the cities of Los Angeles and San Diego. Chapters provide excellent opportunities for you to expand your local network, build valuable business relationships, and enjoy industry-related programming.

We love partnering with local companies and organizations that are aligned with our mission. Check out our list of upcoming events and please reach out if you have any questions about our mission and what we're up to in Southern California. 

If you are interested in any of the WiM Southern California Chapter programs, or would like to volunteer, please contact chapters@womeninmfg.org.

Our 2023 Focus: Recruiting & Retaining Women in Manufacturing
 Membership  Continue to build the chapter and support members throughout Southern California.
 Networking  Create local networking opportunities for our membership. 
 Education  Hold events that include technical educational and outreach components.
 Mentorship   Pilot the first WiM Mentorship program. 

If you are interested in learning more about how you can support and be a part of the WiM Southern California Chapter, contact us today!

Follow WiM Southern California

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Thank you to our Sponsor!

WiM Chapter Awards Recognition

2023 Chapter Awards

Movers & Makers

2022 Chapter Awards

Movers & Makers