WiM Ohio

Chapter Leaders chapter Events affiliated Members Non-Solicitation policy

The Women in Manufacturing (WiM) Ohio Chapter has an active base of members in and around Ohio. Chapters provide excellent opportunities for you to expand your local network, build valuable business relationships, and enjoy industry-related programming.

If you are interested in any of the WiM Ohio Chapter programs, or would like to volunteer, please contact  chapters@womeninmfg.org.

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WiM Ohio Member Spotlight!

WiM Ohio is thrilled to feature one to two of our members on our social media every week!

details here

Thank you to our annual sponsors!

Interested in Sponsoring WiM Ohio? 
 VIEW OPPORTUNITIES & contact us   


Check out virtual WiM Ohio events below and in the WiM Virtual Learning Library

May 25, 2021 | The POWER of Your Brand's 10 Assets
presented by Brooke Foley

WiM Chapter Awards Recognitions

2023 Chapter Awards

Community Connectors

Member Satisfaction

Mighty Networkers

WiM Engagers


2022 Chapter Awards

Community Connectors
Membership Builders
Mighty Networkers
WiM Engagers

2021 Chapter Awards

Community Connectors
Mighty Networkers
WiM SuperHERoes

2020 Chapter Awards

Chapter of the Year

Learn More

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